
Showing posts from June, 2013

Panic Attacks, Lady Parts Surgery and Gossip - My Week In A Nutshell!

Hello My Lovelies! The blog is gonna be pretty raw today so again, don’t complain about The Diva’s language because shit just got real! Okay, earlier this week, I had somewhat of a health crisis.   Oh don’t worry, I’m fine but where I work I suffer panic attacks and I had one that overwhelmed me on Tuesday and I sort of kind of collapsed. You know how it is – the work environment is ideally located somewhere between the 5 th level of Hell and Walt Disney World and because I internalize my rage, anger, and frustrations, it manifest itself in the form of panic attacks.   Usually I can relax it away by popping in a calming CD or if it gets too bad, I can go outside and catch my breath…except it was 9,000 degrees and there was no air, so I couldn’t catch my breath.   Co-workers called 911 and the Fire Department and an ambulance showed up. While I thought it was great for them to do that, how come I never get the firemen who look like sexy calendar pin u...