Day Two Hundred and Thirty Seven In The Life Of Your Demon Goddess
Hello My Lovelies! Yes, I know it’s been awhile since you’ve heard from me but it’s not because I’ve been slack ass… …Okay I’ve been slack ass but I’ve also been super busy and had a lot going on. As of today I’m two full months post op from my hysterectomy. I’m not at the point where I can say “AWWW YEAH BOYEEEEE!! BEST SURGERY EVER!” I’m still having hot flashes and while I knew that wouldn’t fix that little issue, it sure the hell is nice to not be on the rag constantly. The best part of it is I was originally scheduled to go back to work four weeks post op but I ended up going back TWO WEEKS! I’m a Boss, dammit! Besides, the paperwork for the short term disability was a pain in the ass. Hell, I was still getting paperwork from them at the beginning of THIS month! Sent my money all late! That crap was for the birds! The next time I have to take time out for surgery, I’ll use vacation/sick leave. ...