The Sisterfriends Luncheon or "WE'RE BITCHES," Part Deaux...The Aftermath
Hello my Lovelies! It's your Cheetah Diva here with the what's happening in her life and why am I not married to Idris Elba yet. A few weeks or a month ago, I wrote a blog entitled, "WE'RE BITCHES! The Odd Ratchetness of Black Women in the Workplace." It was about the lack of trust that we have with each other in the work place and my desire to see us more unified. One of the things that I suggested was for sistas to get together and have a lunch; have a relaxing afternoon and just enjoy one another. Well, I don't like to talk about it; I'm all about "be about it." I was leery of the idea (because, you know...some situations are just too ratchet for words), but at the end of the day, I can't say I'm "be about it" if I don't. I decided to throw caution to the wind and host a luncheon with the black women - my treat. It's not like I'm a balla, shot caller, but I can shave off a few bucks to invite the w...