Old Folx, Ladders and Tweety Bird Slippers: The Hold My Beer Edition
Hello, my Lovelies! Yes, I know. It's been almost three hundred years; about four months to be exact, since I've last blogged. I had a book release scheduled for December 17th and was already having problems, but then I got sidetracked. I have a good reason, tho. It's a doctor's note reason, actually. You see, I live in an apartment on the fourth floor. Because I'm on the top level, I have vaulted ceilings. When I need to go up high, I have a four step ladder but I call it a three step; on account I only go as high as the third step. I seldom use this ladder because I have a two-step stepping ladder that I use when I'm getting stuff off the top shelf. I'm a shortcake (5'4), which is kind of average but most consider that short. This is my go-to ladder for almost everything so I always grab it. Anyhoo, I have a sliding patio door with those long, ugly blinds. I actually really dislike looking at them, so when I moved in, I hung curtains. ...