
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Cheetah Diva 2017 Year In Review

Hello, my Lovelies! Yes, I know...I last blogged in April. It sucks to have had an injury that affected my writing so much that I couldn't do any writing. Well, except for tweeting, I didn't do much writing. Tweeting, if anything, was a stress reliever. Who would have thought that 140 words could break so much tension? Then the tweet character count went up to 280 words! Suddenly, I could tell a whole story! The politics of 2017 actually drove the Twitterverse. It's been, uh, horrific, but I won't make my blog about it. I just can't.  So, moving right along... The doctor told me that by year's end, I would be back to normal. It didn't really work that way. The muscles in my left thumb and hand were tight, and the hand would get very tired. My creative writing career ground to a halt. As much as I worked to exercise it, it was going to do whatever it was going to do and there was no point rushing it.  By December, I could withstand writing for l...