Getting To Know Me, Getting to Know You: Explaining My Demonic World

The fallen angel is depicted throughout Christian theology as a being that rebelled against God and fell from grace. This term is particularly used to describe angels who fought in the War in Heaven alongside Lucifer, who became the Devil. They were cast out and thus became demons. In popular culture, they are depicted a supernatural beings of unimaginable horror, gore and degradation. Popular folklore also describes a demon as “an evil spirit or source and/or agents of evil, harm distress or ruin.”

This is not the demons that I write about. My demons aren't evil; well, some of them are, but no more than mankind. It’s a personal choice with them when you think about it. In my world, demons are the manifestations of animal spirits in humanoid form. They have physical features that appear human and yet there are the small nuances that make what they really are very apparent. They could have long nails or claws, pointy elfin ears, fang-like teeth and perhaps markings similar to tattoos on some places on their bodies. They have strength, wisdom, and some really cool demonic (youki) powers. My demons can take the amped up form of their animal spirits in the physical form. For example, a seka deer demon can look like a normal, handsome male but when he transforms, it can be in the form of a large 20 foot deer with red, fiery eyes, blazing hooves and large antlers. They can have the spirits of the smallest mammal to the largest insect; from the most innocuous amphibian to the most majestic eagle. Although they’re immortal and can live for unnaturally long lives, they can be killed. Think of it as vampires, who can live forever but can be staked through the heart and suffer the true death. Their human mates can also share this long life through the transference of a small amount of demonic youki during the mating ritual.

Then you have some demons called elementals, who take their powers and strengths from the four elements (water, wind, earth, fire). These are especially fun to write about because you can make their powers unlimited as they gather strength from these elements. A strong water elemental can control the streams, lakes, rivers, and oceans. A fire elemental can control lava flows, fire balls, even start a fire for a barbecue.

Well, you get the picture. The possibilities are endless.

I’m a fantasy writer, an adventure lover and hopeless romantic. My writings center around the demons’ struggles to survive in a modern world as well as their love lives, particularly with human both male and female. In some of my stories, they live alongside humans as if they were just another race; in other stories, they’re hidden from society in plain sight using magic to disguise their features to fit in. I hope that you can read my works with an open mind, an open heart and a great sense of humor. If you are entertained by my demonic world, then I’ve done my job.

This is dedicated to you, the reader, for taking a chance and following me on my greatest adventures. I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Hah! I'm here too, and still following your fanny all over the 'net. Just TRY to get rid of me, lol!!

  2. Replies
    1. Damn straight, sweetheart. I'm in it for the long haul, for sure!! :D And, of course, wishing you all the success you can handle for the New Year!!!!!!!!

  3. The only problem I've ever had with following your stories is finding you and them! You KNOW my opinion of your writing AND your creativity! You are bloody BRILLIANT, my dear! I'm keeping my eye out for you and will certainly buy your published works!


  4. Wow! I finally get to see you after all these years. Best wishes with your blog and your writing. Despite differences, I can say you are a very good writer. I wish you much success with it.


  5. I am so proud of you! I know you will be a success.

  6. I am looking forward to enjoying the creative stories that you have to share. I thank you for introducing me to that creatively, imaginative mind of yours. I have enjoyed all that you have shared with me thus far and you have earned a fan for life with me. I love it, girl! Keep the wonderful works coming. ~ Kindra


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