On The Go Girl...or the Continuing Adventures of a Cheetah Loving Diva Living on the Edge of Insanity

Hello my lovelies!

Dang Blogger!  It took me FOREVER to figure out how to get in here to update!  Change...not always good, dammit!

Anyhoo, as we careen towards the end of the year, I have to take stock in all that’s happened for me this year and when I say this, I mean all the best things that have happened.  I could focus on the turbulent way the year started but then that won’t do anything but raise my pressha and believe me, I’m sick of wallowing in the Misery Chick thing.  I’m not a drama person.  I really hate being mixed up in it but it’s done and it’s time to move on.  I’m a lover of life and fun and I try to be as upbeat and as positive as I can without looking like the psychotic mental patient that I am.  I wake up every day with a renewed sense of purpose and hope, and I’m thankful to be able to breathe the fresh air.  As I love saying, it’s best to wake up an inch above the dirt rather than six feet under it. 

So what has happened this year?  Besides the lady parts surgery, I did a few events for the J.O.B.  What I mean by that is my company goes to many events around the country promoting their products.  I don’t like to mention the J.O.B. on my blog because I like to keep Work Magic Nila separate from the Author Diva Nila, but I feel like I need to mention these particular events. 

One was a NASCAR event where I helped register people to win products, discussed said products and overall got to mingle with the people, other products, some really cool co-workers and I don’t know about anyone else, but I have a blast when I do an event.  I mean seriously, why the hell would I drive hundreds of miles to work an event and not have a good time?  The other was an HBCU event in Birmingham, Alabama and I gotta say you folx in ‘Bama are some of the warmest, nicest and sweetest people I’ve ever met.  I was thankful for the hospitality and enjoyed myself immensely.  It was a shame I didn’t get around and tour your city but next year it’s on!

You should know something about me.  I have a serious love affair going on with...me.  I love me.  If I could marry me, I’d be on my honeymoon right about now.  Yeah – it’s my world…you just pay rent.

Look at me all cute and stuff... 

Love this one...see how my lips looks soooo plump and tasty?  That's called "Maraschino"...Avon stopped making it...I need to post this on their page to let them know they made a mistake.

If you don’t know, you betta axe sumbody!

Yeah, the selfie thing is completely out of control.  I have a new Samsung Galaxy III and it has this self picture thingy without you having to turn the phone around and figure out if you’re in the picture. Being stuck in traffic has taken on new meaning...

Lessee, what else happened…oh yes!  My short story being published in the Kingdom of Fantasy Magazine called, “Blue Caladium.”  While I’m almost at the end of editing “Kurai Utopia,” I started really thinking about my other writing projects and prioritizing them in a way that will make me the most loot.  Look, if I wanted to write for free, I’d still be doing fan fiction but if I can make some mad dough, why not go for it?  A lot of people hated on E.L. James and the “Fifty Shades of Grey” series but truth be told, sheeiiit girl…make that money, honey!  If I could duplicate just a pinch of her success, I can get my house in Bali.  Sure the reviews are mixed but the point is, people are reading it and discussing it.  Oh! From my lips to the Creator’s ears…please…PLEASE let me just get a little sumthin-sumthin!

As I mentioned earlier, “Kurai Utopia” is entering the final editing process…well, sort of.  You see, I had an agent critique it and while she thought it was an entertaining story and could be popular, she felt that the sex was a little bit out there.  She explained that I’m trying to reach a certain market and yes I can go for the hot buttnekkid titillation that comes from racy sex, but how many women 18 – 50 are going to read a science fiction/supernatural story like that?  Yeah some would, but I’d have to slap an adult label on it and you know that’s the kiss of death, especially for up and coming writers like myself.  I had to rethink my strategy and have decided to remove the explicit sex from the books but don’t worry for one minute, you perverts, freaks and grown sexy peeps – I will publish an adult version of the trilogy with all the lustful sexy shenanigans somewhere down the line with even MORE smut!  I have to get my foot in the door and if that’s what I have to do, then I gotta do my thing.

I did mention “Blue Caladium” earlier and while I’ve decided to continue that story, I’ll do so as a series regarding the Eloen Witches and Vandorien Knights.  Look for that sometime next year, along with “Seraphim,” and the continuation of “The Mirror’s Edge,” which will be done as an urban romance novel.  “Eloen Witches,” you say?  “Vandorien Knights?”  What the heck is that?  You have to subscribe to Kingdom of Fantasy online magazine to read it.  It’s just $2.99 for the first online edition so check it out. 

I’m really looking to make marketing myself as an author my goal for the upcoming year.  Because of that, I actually have plans to do several Cons next year, one of them the famous San Diego Comic Con.  My daughter (the love of my life-the bane of my existence-the glow in my cheeks-the reason why I reach higher-the killer of my kitchen wear) has decided that when she gets her nursing degree, she wants to move to San Diego.  I think it’s perfect – we can go and tour the city and see what it has to offer and I can go to Comic Con dressed in steampunk.  I see it as a win-win as far as I’m concerned.  If I like Comic Con, I can go ever year and stay with my kid, bypassing the hotel headache in the process.

I also plan to visit ATL’s own Dragon Con.  One of my co-workers hipped me to the event and while I really hate navigating downtown ATL’s nightmare traffic, I’d like to see what’s going on; you know, since I’ve embraced the fantasy genre.  If I can have my books out by then, then maybe somebody will know who I am.  That would be awesome!  I plan on hitting the New Year running towards my goal as an author and I have no plans of letting anyone get in the way or try to stop me. 

Don’t get me wrong – I like my job.  Scratch that, I love my job.  I really do.  If I could do it for the next (calculating retirement in my head) several years I would, but it’s not exactly a move-up-the-corporate-latter type of job and at my age, I have to consider my future.  It would be nice to have a “golden parachute” to look forward to, but the fact of the matter is even with me contributing to my retirement, I would still have to get a part time job while I’m in my 60’s/70’s.  Truth be told, I would really rather not have a future where I’m working as a “Wally World” greeter, eating cat food to make ends meet while getting $25 dollars a month in food stamps.  You know, 20 years ago I never thought about what I would do in my golden years and now at 48, that’s seriously starting to wear on my heart and my mind.  I always tell my daughter, “do better than me” because I missed the chance to continue my education and I let that moment pass me by thinking it would always be there.  I regret it with a passion and with the economy the way it is, at my age there’s no way I would ever find a job that pays me as good as the one that I have right now and be a job that I really love.  I consider myself very fortunate on that point.

You see, writing would be my long term answer to this and if I can make a successful go at it, I could build up a nest egg and really have something to look forward to.  I want to leave a legacy for my daughter and future grandchildren, as well as having young, handsome half nekkid Balinese men massaging me on my lanai overlooking the Indian Ocean.

Oh and my girl Cheris Hodges has a new romance story coming out!  “Love After War” is available in your local stores and at Amazon.  Go and check her out!

Well, my time here on the blog is short and I have more editing to do…then it’s on to Sunday night teevee starting with The Amazing Race and finishing up with The Real Housewives of Atlanta night.  Don’t judge me!  Those shows are the bomb!  Tomorrow night’s belongs to Sleepy Hollow and Tuesday it’s Bad Girls Club: Miami!

Yes I know, but it’s not like I watch those walking petri dishes for elocution lessons…




  1. I feel you 100% and agree wholeheartedly with what you are saying, you can only live for you and no one else. Oh, and if you need a partner to hang out with at Dragon*Con give a girl a holler, I'll show you the ropes. I'm game to go to SD Comic Con as well.

    Nice to see you back on the Blog! I know you have to focus on your editing now, but do not forget about Wildaluna for too long, I'd like to see her jump back in the truck. LOL!

  2. You are awesome, now where is the follow button. I live for your wit!


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